Saturday, April 26, 2014

Democrat 2014 Playbook

What is the Democrat playbook for retaining the Senate and perhaps gaining the House?  Let's spell it out.  Please excuse the term, "racist goober," but that's precisely how they think of rural, gun-owning Americans:
1) Goad some racist goober into declaring war on the government and get him to start shooting

2) If you can't goad a racist goober into shooting, start the shooting yourself, but get a rebellion going.

3) Make the election about quelling a rebellion and ridding the country of the racist-goober menace. Of course, they will call them domestic terrorists in public, so they can justify shooting drone missiles at them.  But behind closed doors, they will call them racist goobers.

4) Accept the adoring gratitude of the masses of people rescued from the racist-goober menace, and retain control of the senate and perhaps gain the house. Who will talk about Obamacare, or the IRS scandal or even lowering taxes, when there is a racist-goober menace to deal with?
Cliven Bundy -
Freedom Fighter, or Democrat Stooge?
Cliven Bundy is the perfect stooge for this plan.  Rural Americans should put their guns away, and vote. If the Democrats lose the Senate, the Republicans will be able to fully investigate the president, and make sure that any future presidents will know that the voters will eventually catch up with him, and elect legislators who will investigate his activities.  But, if the Democrats succeed in finding a good stooge to start shooting, and make the election about an open rebellion, good, well-meaning people will join them in ridding the country of the good, rural,  freedom-loving people of the southern and western portions of our country, who are no more racist than the people who consider them racist goobers, and hatched this despicable plot in the first place.  I am not defending the ridiculous wonderings of Mr. Bundy about the current status of African-Americans and slavery, nor his civil disobedience in not paying his fees to the government.  But, more sophisticated people in political organizations are cruelly using him as a pawn in a much bigger game that may not end well for him or the country.
To many, this kind of thinking is completely alien, but it is how political strategists think.  The party in control of the executive branch has the power to create events, and not just react to them.  Normal people just don't think this way, and would think this is crazy, and, after the fact, would dismiss any talk like this as a wild conspiracy theory.  Even honest Democrats would not want to accept the political benefit of this kind of ginned up tragedy, if they knew it to be true.  But, those in power do not care if a few racist rubes are sacrificed to preserve their position, even if it costs some innocent lives, as well.  If we spread the word before it happens, however, maybe we can avoid a tragedy that gets a lot of people killed, with the only true intent being for some few to maintain their power in Washington.  Let's have a true debate on the real issues facing the country, not a phony debate about racist ranchers and some futile rebellion that gets people killed.

If you think this is a wild, conspiracy theory, spread the word under the heading:
Check out how paranoid and crazy the conservatives are!

If you think there may be some credibility to this game plan, spread the word under the heading:
Don't be a Democrat Stooge!

But spread the word.  The more widely word spreads, the less likely it is that it will happen.  And that's a good thing for the country and everyone, except, perhaps, a few schemers in Washington...

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